The most common DNA test is Paternity. In this test fatherhood is established when an accurate accepted paternity test is able to demonstrate that, an alleged father is the biological father. Paternity is excluded when the same methods and standards demonstrate that an alleged father is not the biological father.

Exciting News Regarding Biolab Eswatini DNA Services
- Peace of mind DNA Test at the comfort of your home
- The lowest price for a DNA test in the country for only E2,850
- Option to pay two(2) instalments over a period of three(3) months
How to Purchase a DNA Home Test Kit?
Call or Whatsapp Biolab Eswatini at 7872 5333 to get the list of payment details. We have Nedbank, FNB, and MomoPay as payment options, and the good news is that you can pay two(2) instalments over three (3) months for the DNA test (Ts & Cs Apply). Once payment has been confirmed, you will then get an SMS with a unique kit ID that you will present to the partner, for them to give you a home test kit suitable for your needs. The current special price is E2,850 for testing DNA samples of two(2) people.
Types of DNA Tests At Biolab Eswatini
There are two (2) types of DNA tests conducted at Biolab Eswatini, namely Peace of Mind Test and Legally Binding Test. Both these tests are conducted the same way, however, the peace of mind test is not legally binding and its outcome cannot be used in court.
a) Peace of Mind DNA Test
For this test, you buy a DNA home test kit from Biolab Eswatini. The kit has clear instructions and guidelines on how to collect the DNA and submit the samples to Biolab Eswatini. We have partnered with clinics and pharmacies across all regions of Eswatini, where after confirming payment at Biolab Eswatini, the DNA test kit can be collected and later submitted after the DNA samples have been collected.
List of Our Partners
1. Genesis Pharmacy – OK Foods Compext, Kwaluseni Matsapha
2. Genesis Health Pharmacy – Buhleni (Next to Shoprite at the New Mall)
3. Genesis Health Pharmacy – Siteki (Next to Boxer Supermarket)
4. The Yellow Pharmacy – Shop #8 KaLankosi Complex Nhlangano (Next to ESDI former OBC Butchery). Contacts: 7827 0457 / 7923 9541
5. The Yellow Pharmacy – Plot 159 Lulamile House Extension 2, Mankayane (Behind Siyakhula Hall). Contacts: 76460256 / 79460256 / 25388178
6. The Yellow Pharmacy – Stand No 45 old Wing, Mancinshane Street, Manzini (Building Next to Boxer Supermarket, by Manzini Market)
7. Asiphile Healthcare Clinic – Piggs Peak
8. Simply Aid Medical Services – Opposite RFM Hospital Manzini
9. Top EMS Pharmacy – Siphofaneni
10. Top EMS Pharmacy – Sithobelweni
11. Sound Health Pharmacy – Mahhala (Matsapha)
12. Sound Health Pharmacy – Mashayitafula (Matsapha)
13. Sound Health Pharmacy – Malkerns
14. Sound Health Pharmacy – Moneni (Manzini)
b) Legally Binding DNA Test
This test involves chain of custody of the samples collected. The requirement is that all parties involved should come to Biolab Eswatini laboratory sites, which are currently in Manzini and Mbabane. The documentation required is as follows:
- Certified Identification (IDs) copies for alleged father, mother of child (for paternity test)
- Certified birth certificate of child. Alternatively certified copy of clinic card if the child does not have a birth certificate.
- For children above 16 years, the need to come with identification that has a photo, and do not need the mother to consent for them.
- Certified copies of Identification (IDs) for all adults to be taken samples (kinship)
Unless there is a court order allowing the alleged father to do a legally binding DNA test, the mother should always be present if the child is a minor (less than 16 years).
DNA Analysis
DNA analysis involves the direct examination of the genetic material that a child inherited from its biological parents (mother and father).
DNA is located throughout the human body and is identical in all cells. DNA in the blood is therefore the same as that in the skin, lungs, muscle, bone and various other tissues. An individual’s DNA is completely established at conception and never changes throughout life. Every individual’s DNA is unique except for identical twins. Since it is so specific, just like a fingerprint, DNA paternity is the most powerful form of testing.
At Biolab Eswatini, the procedure for paternity testing involves the genetic characteristics of the child being compared to those of the alleged father. If the tested man (alleged father) does not have the genetic characteristics necessary to be the biological father of the child, paternity is excluded. If the tested man’s DNA does contain genetic characteristics that are similar to the child, then the probability that this man is the biological father is calculated and reported by the laboratory.
Testing Process and Accuracy
Biolab Eswatini uses Twenty (20) DNA patterns (called Alleles), which are compared between the child and alleged father. If all the marker patterns match perfectly, the probability of paternity is greater than 99,999% – the alleged father is practically proven to be the biological father.
In the case that one(1) marker pattern does not match, this mismatch may be due to normal changes that may occur from generation to generation, and a statistical chance of paternity is calculated that can be used in conjunction with all other evidence. With two(2) or more mismatches the alleged father is considered to be excluded, and it is concluded that they are not the biological father of the child.
Kinship Analysis
Kinship Analysis investigates the relationship between potentially related individuals. Here is an example case: A man dies and during the process of distributing their estate, an alleged child of the deceased that is unknown to any of the family members, appears and also wants a claim to the estate. In this case, the parents, brothers, sisters, or other children of the deceased can be tested against this child. It is advisable that more than one relative be used to test against the DNA of the alleged child.
In some instances, there could be cases of siblings with the same mother, and want to ascertain whether they have the same father. Also there could be individuals that have different mothers and want to ascertain whether they share the same father. Our test is able to determine from the DNA profiles of the tested individuals whether they share a parent or not.